Big Whales Are Quickly Buying From MATIC and This Altcoin!

Investors who hold large amounts of tokens in the cryptocurrency markets are called whales. The movements of these whales are also carefully monitored by small investors in order to predict the general trend of the market. According to the latest data, around 3.5 million popular altcoin Polygon (MATIC) has been taken by whales. Another altcoin project that has attracted the attention of Blinas is Chainlink (LINK), which received 99,990 units. These two tokens managed to enter the list of very interesting cryptocurrencies due to the intense interest of the most whales. Details of the topic‘in.

Two altcoins that attract whales: MATIC and LINK

Recent analysis data shows that whales are adding more Polygon (MATIC) and Chainlink (LINK) to their holdings and demand for these cryptocurrencies is increasing again. Ethereum (ETH) whales continue to stockpile the most sought-after cryptocurrencies. In the last 18 hours, they have added a huge amount of Polygon (MATIC) and Chainlink (LINK) to their portfolio. Meanwhile, in the past 24 hours, these two cryptocurrencies have joined the list of the 10 most bought cryptocurrencies by the largest Ethereum (ETH) whales. Whales seem to have gotten some more of Polygon (MATIC) and Chainlink (LINK) lately. Popular for its statistics on whale movements, the WhaleStats data aggregator has identified three heavy crypto transactions made by three of the top 1000 whales, which hold most of their funds in the second-largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum (ETH).

Billionaire Turns His Eyes On These 3 Altcoin Projects

Ethhereum (ETH) whale labeled “Kvothe” bought 2,700,000 Polygon (MATIC) worth $3,483,000. This wallet is listed at #995 by WhaleStats. A whale, ranked 335 by WhaleStats, bought 896,990 Polygon (MATIC), the equivalent of $1,336,515. The third transaction moved 99,990 Chainlinks (LINK) purchased by a 35th-ranked whale, which includes $1,364,863. According to the popular cryptocurrency statistics platform WhaleStats website, in the last 24 hours Polygon (MATIC) and Chainlink (LINK) have been on the top 10 list of purchased cryptocurrencies.

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