Big Shortage in Popular Cryptocurrency Project in Turkey: Are Funds Safe?

The growth of the crypto money industry continued at full speed in 2021, and Turkey was definitely one of the fastest growing countries in 2021.

The growth of the crypto money ecosystem in Turkey has enabled different projects to come to life in our country.

Roco Finance also (ROCO) known as one of them. ROCO attracted a lot of attention with its pre-sale, and it actually made a huge profit for its investors by going up to 10 dollars. The project has now become the victim of an attack.

The attack, which was voiced yesterday evening, became clear as of this morning.

Lead developer of the project Tanay Aytimaz shared detailed information on the subject. Ayıtmaz stated that this was only an attack on the staking pool and user funds were not damaged.

Hard Claims Against the Project!

Sharing the technical details, Ayilmaz admitted that the attacker actually targeted the hole in the reward module given per second in the staking pool.

It is stated that the attacker transferred 136,000 ROCOs in just 24 seconds.

At the beginning of the criticisms against Ayilmaz and the ROCO project are the attitudes of the project officials.

A user named KriptoSorloth made a very harsh claim by stating that tokens started to be sold 3 hours ago.

According to the claim of KriptoSorloth, the people in the team are selling 3 hours before the event. Of course, this is only a claim at the moment.

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