Big Picture in Solana (SOL): Analysts Point to $2.5

In the last 7-day period, Solana has a Shoulder-Head-Shoulder (OBO) outlook, showing an upward performance of nearly 30%. We examined the formation and its target in Solana for you.

Many commentators and analysts think that cryptocurrencies, which started to rise after the interest rate decision announced by the US Federal Reserve, made a false rise and said “bear market rallyqualifies as ”.

Many analysts, who think that the bear market will deepen even more, Note the OBO view pulling.

Solana Weekly Chart

OBO Formation; The right shoulder consists of the head and the left shoulder, and the length of the head is taken as the formation target. In case of formation, Solana’s Down to $2.5 looks likely.

of 90% Even if a drop is too much, it is known by the community that the crypto money market is open to such drops. Solana, who has been exposed to many hacking events recently, has been trying to solve this problem recently. It has announced that it will receive support from the Chicago-based software developer company Jump Crypto.

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Related article:  Solana (SOL) Struggling With Hacking Attacks Will Get Support From Rooted Software Company

The article titled Big Picture in Solana (SOL): Analysts Point to $2.5 was prepared by Akın Akalın and published on

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