Big News From These 6 Altcoin Projects: Here’s the Review!

While the pains of the December correction were also reflected in January, a number of altcoin projects had significant events independent of corrective price movements. In this article, let’s list the highlights of the week. Details‘in.

What happened in the altcoin market this week?

The Shibburn Twitter page shared that it tweeted that a total of 103.2 million Shiba Inu were burned in a single transfer. Bigger Entertainment launched its SHIB burning campaign in October 2021, and since then almost a billion SHIB have been burned, along with the 103.2 million mentioned below. Thus, the total burn reaches 410.3 trillion SHIB, according to data provided by Etherscan. 41.03007 percent of the total supply of SHIB, originally one quadrillion, was permanently removed from circulation.

BabyDoge (BABYDOGE) continues its rally to reach $0.00000003813. The meme token has reached a trading volume of $96.5 million, up 23% over the past 24 hours. Currently trading at $0.0000000003651, the project’s Twitter account reports that BABYDOGE has set a record with over 1 million wallets.

An altcoin that brings privacy and scalability to the DeFi industry has made a surprise list on the cryptocurrency exchange app. According to a new blog post from, users will be able to transact with the Oasis Network (ROSE) using USD, EUR, GBP and nearly two dozen other fiat currencies.

Harmony (ONE) opens on OKEx

OKEx cryptocurrency exchange announced that it has listed the Harmony (ONE) token. ONE trading started on the USDT pair as of January 7th. Harmony is a Blockchain platform designed to facilitate the creation and use of decentralized applications (DApps). It is trading at $0.316 with a market cap of $3.6 billion.

Four transactions carrying large amounts of XRP were recorded by the Blockchain tracking platform, where major global exchanges participate in the transfers. However, these crypto transfers were made between exchanges’ internal wallets: South Korea’s CoinOne, Bithumb, etc. The largest single transaction carries a staggering 249,999,980 XRP; this is equivalent to $188,604,850.

  • The smallest transfer was made by the major South Korean exchange Bithumb: 20 million XRP. 70,000,000 and 99,766,000 were moved in the other two transactions.

Finally, let’s take a look at the million-dollar MATIC transfer of a giant whale reported by WhaleStats. The following transactions were detected by the whale detective during the day:

  • The first transaction was 2619275 MATIC with a value of 5,867,176. The second transaction is equivalent to $2,239,401 MATIC for $5,016,258.
Big News From These 6 Altcoin Projects

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