Big News from Decentraland and SAND: Partnership and Investment!

Two popular metaverse projects, Decentraland (MANA) and The Sandbox (SAND), continue to be on the agenda with new news. These projects, which came to the fore with Facebook changing its name to Meta in the last months of 2021 and saying that it will focus on the metaverse area, have been the subject of a great partnership and investment recently. We convey the details as…

Big sale on Decentraland platform, a public company that invests in Metaverse, decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs and Web3 cryptocurrencies, shared that its subsidiary Metaverse Group has acquired three new parcels in Decentraland. Metaverse Group is the NFT-based Metaverse real estate company. It was stated that the issue taken into consideration in the purchase was Metaverse Group’s equity, while the seller of the virtual land was JMD Capital.

The acquired virtual land is called The Gen Estate, a strategic plot of land located next to Dragon City, a virtual Chinese cultural city built in Decentraland. The total value of the lands in this transaction is physically equivalent to approximately 25,000 square meters. Metaverse Group, which is estimated to have paid a price in excess of $200,000, although not fully disclosed, plans to develop the land and lease it to tenants.

The Sandbox partners with Ubisoft

On February 8, Animoca Brands’ subsidiary and decentralized gaming virtual world project, The Sandbox, announced that the company has partnered with French video game company Ubisoft. According to an announcement from the company, Ubisoft and Rabbids are coming to The Sandbox. According to the company, Ubisoft will have its own terrain in the virtual metaverse, and said world will begin by offering three-dimensional versions of the Rabbids characters. Gaming giant Ubisoft is known for multimedia series such as Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, Tom Clancy’s, Prince of Persia, Rabbids and Rayman.

Exploding Metaverse Coin What Is The Sandbox (SAND)?

The Sandbox says the project has “strategically partnered with Ubisoft to introduce Ubisoft gaming IP elements to The Sandbox metaverse.” For a start, Ubisoft is bringing characters from the Rabbids franchise, a spin-off video game that originated with the Rayman franchise. This situation went down in history as Ubisoft’s first metaverse move.

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