Big News For These 6 Altcoins: Prices Climb!

The developments in the network and various partnerships and integrations can positively affect altcoin prices. In this article we have prepared, we will convey the 6 rising altcoins and the developments in the network.

These 6 altcoins are on the rise: Here are the reasons

Tennis Australia has partnered with Decentraland to host the Australian Open (AO), which will be the first official tennis full victory in the Metaverse. With this news, the price of Decentraland (MANA) rose from $2.99 ​​to $3.19. At the time of writing, it’s back to $3.01. As part of the first major crypto sports sponsorship deal, the Australian Football League (AFL) has secured a partnership with to support the women’s league (AFLW). (CRO) climbed from $0.450923 to $0.472792. At the time of writing, it is retracted.

On the other hand, cybersecurity-focused PolySwarm (NCT) gained 379 percent in a week as it was listed on exchanges such as Coinbase, Huobi Global, Coinexcom and MECX-Global. Polygon, on the other hand, announced that it will use a token burning mechanism that enables the network’s native token, MATIC, to be burned in real time. Polygon (MATIC) will activate the EIP 1559 update on the mainnet at around 11:00 AM on January 18th. The MATIC jumped from $2.30 to $2.44.

Propy (PRO), a project focused on NFTs, was also one of the rising. Behind PRO’s rise is its listing on Coinbase, the sale of a real estate NFT, and the growing potential of NFTs. The PRO went from $2.30 to $2.84. Most recently, Harmony (ONE) increased from $0.33 to $0.35 due to the $300 million ecosystem fund, the total locked value in the network reaching record levels, and the launch of multiple cross-chain bridges.

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