Beware of These Dates! Gold Will Capsize

Ramazan Kurtoğlu, a lecturer at Istanbul Aydın University, drew attention to a certain time period by making a new prediction about gold. We transfer as…

Kurtoğlu: Gold will capsize between 2023-2028

Economist Ramazan Kurtoğlu came up with a new forecast for gold prices. Kurtoğlu, who works at Istanbul Aydın University, thinks that investors with gold should not sell as much as possible. According to Kurtoğlu’s statements, the only reason why gram gold is rising is the changes in the dollar exchange rate. According to the expert, the higher the dollar, the higher the precious metal.

Kurtoğlu, who made a striking prediction after these statements, drew attention to the years between 2023 and 2028. According to Kurtoğlu, “between 2023 and 2028, there will be 5 years in which gold will capsize.” For this reason, he cautions that investors should not sell gold unless they have to. He also states that “it is a very big game” right now, “the figure that should be a kilo of gold, which is currently circulating around 57,000 – 58,000 dollars, is 98,000 dollars.” According to the expert, who thinks that gold will rise as of 2023, the precious metal will “go like a firecracker” from this date.

At the time of writing, gram gold is bought at 750.92 liras and sold at 751.10 liras. As we previously reported, gram gold, which exceeded 1,000 lira at the beginning of the week, declined after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statements. Likewise, the dollar, which reached 18 liras, declined to 11 liras. At the time of writing, it is trading at 13.10 lira.

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