Banking Giant JPMorgan Joins Decentraland Metaverse

Thinking that the metaverse could be a $1 trillion market in the future, banking giant JPMorgan entered the industry by opening a “lounge” in the Decentraland metaverse.

Publishing the report titled “Opportunities in the Metaverse” on February 15, JPMorgan is claimed to be the first bank to enter the metaverse.

In the report by JPMorgan blockchain unit Onyx, “The Metaverse will take over human interaction We did not buy this land with the consumers and brands for discovering many exciting opportunities We are here for you.” it was said.

In addition, in the report prepared by the bank, as the sector develops and its usage areas increase, the virtual real estate market also increases. loan, mortgage, lease agreements He said he could provide services such as:

JPMorgan as early adopters of the metaverse PWC, Walmart, Nike, Verizon, Gap, Adidas, Hulu and Atari He talked about big companies like

According to data from JPMorgan’s four popular metaverse platforms (Decentraland, The Sandbox, Somnium Space, Cryptovoxels), the average price of virtual lands was six months in the last year. 12,000 at $6,000 out to dollars. The bank also covers in-game advertising spending. It will reach $18.4 billion by 2027. guesses.

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