Babies’ Feces Have 10 Times More Microplastics

Scientists from the New York University School of Medicine have published a study showing that the amount of microparticle plastic in babies’ stools is 10 times greater than that of adults.

In a study conducted in the past years, an adult person is between 39-52 thousand every year. plastic particle until the health effects of microplastics are clearly established, the best way to reduce the amount of microplastics consumed by human beings is to use plastic production and use. to reduce they said it was.

According to a study conducted by scientists at the New York University School of Medicine in the United States (USA), babies’ stools are higher than adults’. 10 times more microparticle plastic content. Health professionals are concerned about the impact of chemicals found in plastics on infant development. dangerous states that it is.

Plastic products cause

Kurunthachalam Kannan, a public health scientist at the New York University School of Medicine and co-author of the study, says the development of the child’s body depends on a healthy endocrine system, and vice versa affects the early stages of life. Research on this subject has shown that exposure to endocrine disruptors can cause cancer is showing.


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Examining the stool of a 1-year-old baby, three newborns, and ten adults for the study, the scientists found that PET concentrations were ten times higher than in adults. If the plastic found in newborn babies, that they had plastic in their bodies before they were born pointing out. Stating that the plastic in babies’ stools is not surprising, the researchers point out that materials such as feeding bottles, clothes, toys, dishes, diapers, that is, everything around babies are made of plastic. Babies who touch them also often bring their hands to their mouths.

Source : true

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