Axiom Will Take The First Turk To Go To Space

Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank announced the company that will train the first Turkish space traveler and provide flight services. Turkey signed a partnership with Axiom Space.

While the international space race has gained great momentum, in February of last year, in order for Turkey not to fall behind, “National Space Program“It was introduced. Within the scope of the program, 10 targets have been determined, one of which is It was the sending of a Turkish citizen into space. In order to achieve this goal, a critical announcement came today.

Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank, in the announcement he shared on his Twitter account, for the training and flight service of the Turkish space traveler, whose selection process continues. An agreement was made with Axiom Space. explained. Mustafa Varank’s sharing was as follows:

The first Turkish space traveler will be trained by Axiom Space:

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