AVAX CEO Talks About Cryptocurrency Regulations, Says Don’t Buy Dogecoin!

In Turkey, which is one of the countries that work in the field of crypto money, regulation studies in the field of crypto money continue. Because, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently announced that the crypto money law is ready and will be sent to the parliament as soon as possible.

While preparations for cryptocurrency regulation continue in Turkey, Avax’s founder and CEO Emin Gün Sirer made statements about the crypto market and regulation studies in an interview with Hürriyet.

Emin Gün Sirer, who is also a lecturer at Cornell University, said that Turkey has a great opportunity in front of it if it moves fast in Blockchain technology.

Stating that the infrastructure of blockchain technology is still not fully developed in any country, Sirer stated that this is an opportunity for Turkey.

“Blockchain technology is a new technology and the infrastructure of this technology is not fully developed anywhere in the world. This is a great opportunity for Turkey. Because the countries that will create the best and fastest Blockchain infrastructure will suddenly be able to attract that development.”

Sirer said that if the crypto money regulations in Turkey are completed quickly and a legal basis is prepared for crypto money, a significant part of the crypto revolution that is taking place in the world can take place through Turkey.

“There are studies on this subject in some countries such as Singapore, Switzerland and England. But even these countries have not yet brought the necessary transparency and clarity.
If we act fast, we can get ahead of Singapore and others and become the hub of crypto.”

Sirer, who does not neglect to warn crypto money investors to be careful, stated that good research should be done when investing and that people such as professionals, influencers, youtubers or phenomena should not be trusted.

“Don’t be fooled by some celebrities either. For example, do not buy Dogecoin or similar that do not have a story of ‘Elon Musk is buying’. The money you get should include new technology. The team behind it must be permanent. It must be a visionary group. For example, there is no one behind Dogecoin, it has no story, it has no usage area, it has no place to go. Wait for Musk to tweet.”

*Not investment advice.

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