Attention To These 2 Metaverse Coin Projects: Turks Are Playing Them!

CoinGecko, the data and analysis resource of the cryptocurrency market, shows that Turkish investors are following these 2 metaverse coin projects.

Which metaverse coin projects are Turkish investors following?

CoinGecko sheds light on the projects most sought after by crypto money investors in the Turkish region. This data includes searches up to 16 July. When we take a look at the ranking, we see that Turkish investors are especially looking for CEEK Smart VR (CEEK) and STEPN Green Satoshi Token on Solana (GST-SOL).

CEEK Smart VR became the most popular cryptocurrency in Turkey. On the other hand, STEPN Green Satoshi Token on Solana (GST-SOL), the Solana-based cryptocurrency powering STEPN, is in second place. In the rest of the article, let’s take a look at the latest news and current price movements from these projects.

What is CEEK? Why is it important for the metaverse coin market?

CEEK focuses on improving virtual and augmented reality experiences. Its mission is to provide content creators with digital tools to generate new revenue streams. The Metaverse project connects artists and fans through its virtual world for long-term interaction. In particular, the company helps content creators monetize their work.

CEEK is also a project that takes care of users from Turkey. On July 15, it was announced that new land sales had begun.

Meanwhile, CEEK is the 144th largest cryptocurrency by market cap. It is currently trading just under $0.3. The Metaverse coin registered ATH at $1.20 in November, the last month of the 2022 bull market. It has since lost more than 70% of its value. For more details on CEEK, check out this article.

Web3 lifestyle app: STEPN (GMT)

STEPN (GMT) is a cryptocurrency based on Solana (SOL) Blockchain. STEPN is one of the social apps that motivates its users. Users also earn tokens through activities like walking and running. Specifically, the Web 3 project aims to revolutionize the fitness apps market by encouraging millions of users to follow a healthier lifestyle. The app decodes that users are actually exercising with a GPS system. Thus, STEPN users are financially incentivized to play sports.

Recent news from the project has included news of the planned expansion to Ethereum for the coming weeks.

STEPN (GMT) is currently trading at $0.9388. It gained more than 2% today. GMT is one of the projects that pioneered the Web3 concept. Its price peaked at $4.11 in April of this year. It is now trading at a 70% discount from this level. As we reported, the project made the highly anticipated APE Realm announcement last week.

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