Attention These 9 Altcoin Investors: Here are the Critical Developments!

Alongside the partnership, integration, and listing announcements this week, Elon Musk kicked off the Web 3.0 discussions, and the Shiba Inu phenomenon AskTheDoctor is branding the meme coin project a “fraud.” Let’s take a quick look at the most critical altcoin news of the week…

Here are the most critical altcoin news of the week

The world’s first wrapped NFT IDO launchpad will be officially launched soon thanks to Scaleswap. Wrapped NFTs are an ERC721 NFT token pegged to another asset. Thus, it is aimed to expand the NFT market.

StarPunk Metaverse has announced that the next DPT project to be published on its Starpad is The Parallel. The Parallel is an NFT game project that provides interested players the ability to create metaverse worlds. Players will also have the opportunity to accumulate NFTs and earn rewards just by playing.

OpenOcean’s OOE token staking pools are now live on Binance Smart Chain. To make staking even easier, OpenOcean has also partnered with ZOO Crypto World, winner of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) MVBIII. Staking is expected to take 60 days. From 18 December 2021 to 16 February 2022.

Fan token platform Chiliz has listed the Endpoint CeX token ENDCEX. Listing started at 15:00 (CET) on December 20, 2021. As we reported, EOS plans Mandel 3.0 upgrade for 2022 as it leaves The EOS community will prepare for the Mandel 3.0 network upgrade for 2022. The upgrade will bring three major hard fork features and will be part of Blockchain’s efforts to separate itself from developer

Ethereum-based liquidity staking solution Lido has announced its Chainlink integration. The platform built to expand Lido’s stake pools has shared the first of a series of Chainlink Price Feeds integrations. The announcement said:

Lido is excited to announce that we are sponsoring the first of a series of Chainlink Price Feeds to enable leading Blockcain DeFi protocols to quickly and securely support Lido-shared assets.

Whales move on Ripple!

According to data provided by Whale Alert, a staggering amount of crypto (almost half a billion XRP) has been transferred by Ripple and several ODL platforms and an anonymous wallet. The total value of the whales’ XRP amount is $355,789,083 in fiat.

Canadian healthcare company AskTheDoctor, which has recently emerged as a Shiba Inu phenomenon, has at odds with the community, branding the meme coin as the “biggest scam in crypto”. The community leader threatened to sue Shytoshi Kusama. You can follow the shootout in the tweets below.

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