Astronomers Discover 2 New Planets Mostly Made of Water

Astronomers at the University of Montreal have discovered 2 planets that differ in density from other planets. More than half of these planets may be made up of water, according to the data.

Space, which humanity has set its sights on for centuries, is being discovered a little more every day by humanity. If you remember, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched last week. The brightest starburst ever discovered He shared his photo. Surrounding the Solar System recently a mysterious glowwas attached to the telescope’s radar.

In addition to all these researches, while humanity continues to search for habitable planets, it also searches for other planets. to make it livable is working on. However, according to the information revealed today, astronomers may have discovered the most habitable planets to date.

The vast majority of planets are made up of water.

researchers and astronomers at the University of Montreal 218 light years away He discovered planets in the constellation Lyra of a kind they had never seen before. Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d The most striking feature of these planets, called these planets, is that they have a very different structure than what is known, according to the simulations and the data obtained. These planets have a different density, unlike planets in the constellation Lyra and other constellations. Experts who analyze planets say that more than half of Kepler-138c and 138d “filled with materials heavier than rock and lighter than hydrogen or helium.” he explained. In addition, these planets are 3 times the volume of the Earth and It has almost twice the mass is stated.

Previously, all planets of this size were “rock planetsExplaining that they think there are planets that do not contain liquid both on the surface and inside, astronomers, which are called ” never proven water planets“It is the first time it has been observed,” he said. Researchers also found that these two planets are thought to be the coldest planets in the constellation. There may be frozen ice floes instead of water. claims.


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Stating that they want to collect more data about the planets, the researchers said that these planets The most “habitable” planets ever discovered claims to be.

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