As Markets Rise, Focus on These 5 Altcoin Projects!

Researcher Khashayar Abbasi focuses on popular altcoin projects he recommends watching as crypto markets recover. As Bitcoin rose, altcoins also gained traction and pushed their prices higher. We take a closer look at the top five altcoin projects to consider.

What are the 5 altcoin projects?

shiba inu. Shiba Inu is leading the way for meme coins amid a rebound in the broader crypto markets. At the time of writing, SHIB has become one of the best performing assets of the week, up over 70% from its recent lows. This latest increase comes days after the developers announced a partnership with Welly’s, an Italian fast-food chain that has agreed to rebrand its stores to include Shiba Inu-themed images and merchandise.

Mina Protocol. MINA is the world’s lightest blockchain at just 22 KB. This is in stark contrast to its hefty counterparts like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which take up hundreds of gigabytes of storage, increasing with every transaction made on the network. MINA’s price is up over 50% from recent lows. According to the researcher, it could rise even higher with infrastructure upgrades planned for the next few weeks.

Osmosis (OSMO) is a decentralized exchange created for the Cosmos ecosystem. While the project has had a rough start to the year, it’s up about 30% from its recent lows and looks poised for more upside. Projects in the Cosmos ecosystem have gained new attention in recent weeks as they outperform other cryptocurrencies in the market.

Near Protocol (NEAR). NEAR is a decentralized smart contract platform and competitor to Ethereum. Offering cheap and fast transactions, NEAR has caught the attention of many crypto enthusiasts in recent weeks. NEAR held its price well compared to other projects and is now up 40% from its recent lows. With $800 million in grant funding recently launched, this is a project worthy of looking forward to, according to the researcher.

Analyst Cosmos Announces Next for FTM, Harmony and NEAR!

Helium (HNT) is a decentralized network for the Internet of Things (IoT) that uses wireless devices to communicate and send data over the worldwide network of nodes. HNT was also one of the best performing assets last week, up over 60% from recent lows.

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