Artificial Intelligence to be Developed with Artificial Brain

Scientists went beyond artificial intelligence and put forward the idea of ​​​​a new technology in which a structure similar to the human brain develops systems. Meet the “organoid intelligence”.

Artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, and ElevenLabs’ voice cloning tools surprised us all today, but also blurred our future a bit. While trying to imagine where artificial intelligence–human interaction could lead, the scientific world a new technology concept appeared.

A team of international scientists from the Universities of California, Johns Hopkins and Konstanz, going beyond artificial intelligence offered an idea. According to scientists, the artificial intelligence of the future will be developed directly with the human brain.organoid intelligence‘ will be.

What is organoid intelligence?

“Organoid intelligence”, first described by scientists, is the cells in the human brain. using 3D cultures It includes the development of biological computing and brain-machine interface technologies.

What do you mean by “3D culture”?

The concept of organoid is actually used today. Structures called brain organoids, organs resembling a brain and artificially grown defines it. The process of creating these organoids explains the concept of ‘three dimensions’.

Organoids are obtained from pluripotent cells in the early stages of embryos in three-dimensional bioreactors. by culturing stem cells, that is, it is developed by cultivation. The development process can take months.

What makes organoids look like brains?


Organoids share a lot in common with human brain structure. But most importantly, the human brain abilities such as learning and memory having functions that provide In other words, these devices like a human brain it can work.

What do scientists plan to do with organoids?

According to the research published by scientists, organoids are running artificial intelligence systems in the near future. much better performance can offer. But in order to reach this near future, some conditions must be met.

For organoid intelligence to become a reality, new models, algorithms and interface technologies must be developed. Also, how organoids learn, process and produce very large data Understanding how they are processed and stored is a must.

Organoid intelligence development also needs to be ethical:

The scientists emphasized that for the development of this technology, interdisciplinary and representative teams of ethicists, researchers and community members should come together. These teams are used to draw the framework of ethical studies. identify, discuss and analyze ethical issues.

Let’s come to one of the main questions: Why would we need such a thing?

Scientists said that today’s computers have now reached the physical limit. However, a system close to the human brain that can host thousands of terabytes of data and access this data instantly will be able to offer much higher power for future systems.


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