Artificial intelligence Siri update will be introduced at WWDC 2024

Apple does not want to be left behind in the artificial intelligence race. For a while Google And OpenAI It was revealed that the company, which is said to be in talks with, is working on a comprehensive update for Siri. Productive artificial intelligence-supported Siri at WWDC 2024It was reported that it will be introduced in .

According to US sources, Apple plans to overhaul its virtual assistant Siri with a version powered by productive artificial intelligence. It was stated that Apple executives were testing a ChatGPT supported conversation model. After these tests, they were not satisfied with Siri’s outdated answers.

Apple, $10 billion Apple Car It canceled projects such as and devoted its investments to artificial intelligence. The company, which is restructuring after more than a decade, wants to combine its products with productive artificial intelligence. It was reported that many engineers in the Apple Car project were reassigned to work on Siri.

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Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 will astound you with its performance!

Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 GPU performance revealed. Qualcomm is thinking big with its latest mobile chipset.

Apple executives also fear that artificial intelligence assistants could replace operating systems such as iOS if they develop sufficiently. While current AI features are still limited, this could spell trouble for iOS as the technology advances.

Apple; It does not aim to compete with models such as ChatGPT and Midjourney. In this context, it plans to integrate Gemini and even ChatGPT into its own systems. Much more advanced Siri, on June 10 to do To be introduced at WWDC 2024 Waiting.

The company is also said to add text summarization support to Messages. It was also reported that the iPhone memory capacity will be expanded so that all these features are made on the device instead of cloud servers.

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