Artificial Intelligence Project yPredict Shapes the Future of the Investment World

The emergence of cryptocurrencies and the globalization of financial markets have increased the need for investors and traders to analyze financial data so that they can make better and more accurate decisions. This has increased the popularity and importance of crypto analysis platforms. The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies has greatly improved the predictive capabilities and accuracy of these platforms. These advanced platforms help their users to better understand the current state of the crypto markets and predict future price movements.

yPredict is a perfect example of this kind of platform. yPredict is an exciting new crypto trading and market intelligence platform that offers a comprehensive AI powered crypto price prediction system, seen as a game changer in the crypto trading industry. The purpose of this platform is to offer its users a valuable market advantage.

yPredict’s funding efforts were used to fund early development through a pre-sale of native cryptocurrency YPRED. These efforts eventually resulted in an impressive pre-sale of $2.4 million. YPRED pre-sale continues. Those who want to buy yPredict tokens are trying to get more information about the content of the project.

What are the Highlights of the yPredict Project?

yPredict isn’t just limited to crypto analytics. In fact, the platform goes beyond crypto analytics by introducing new AI-powered tools. These tools offer a self-hosted content solution specifically designed for medium to large content teams. This innovative solution streamlines the content creation process and increases efficiency. Main features include user management and task assignment system, artificial intelligence supported content editor and scoring system.

yPredict has even launched a beta for those interested in the early stages of its platform. Those who want to join the waiting list for access to the beta version are increasing day by day.

yPredict plans to offer its users dozens of AI-powered signals, refraction, pattern recognition, and social/news sentiment features. These features aim to help traders understand what is popular in the market and identify which cryptocurrencies are on the rise. It also provides its users with a large dataset to predict the price movements of cryptocurrencies. This can help investors identify which cryptocurrencies could potentially be profitable and what risks exist.

Generating Passive Income with yPredict

Many benefits are offered to investors who purchase yPredict tokens. The YPRED crypto token, which forms the economic backbone of the platform, is issued on the Polygon blockchain, which means low transaction fees and fast transactions. To access premium features of yPredict, new users must pay a subscription fee in YPRED. 10% of these fees will be distributed to existing YPRED token holders, which will encourage investors to hold on to their tokens, thereby reducing selling pressure in the market.

In addition, YPRED holders will be able to enjoy monthly rewards by staking their purchased tokens in pools. Users who stake their tokens will be able to take advantage of staking opportunities in a never-ending pool of liquidity added to this pool as platform subscription increases, making APY consistent and attractive.

yPredict Buyers Are Quite Excited

There is palpable excitement about yPredict’s ability to combine AI and Web3 technologies to create products across industries. This is also evident in the token pre-sale.

The pre-sale of yPredict’s token YPRED has been going on for several weeks, and as we mentioned above, it has now raised more than $2.4 million in funding. Investors who want to buy a piece of this top trending crypto actually have no time to waste. The pre-sale of yPredict, one of the most promising crypto projects to launch this year, is highly debated in the crypto community.

Once the pre-sale total reaches $2.9 million, the token pre-sale price will increase by 11 percent, resulting in a sale price of $0.1 as opposed to the current $0.09 price. The fixed cap of the pre-sale is set at $6.5 million, and if the pace of the pre-sale continues as it has been in recent days, it is said that this target could be achieved in a few weeks.

YPRED Token Counts Days To List On Major Exchanges

The token is expected to be listed on major exchanges at a price of $0.12. This means that people who currently buy yPredict tokens will have made a 33 percent profit.

All in all, yPredict is a platform that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence, aiming to give users a valuable market edge over cryptocurrencies. The project is said to be able to shape the future of the investment world by offering investors the ability to predict the price movements of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, it is observed that purchasing yPredict, which is still in the pre-sale, can present an important opportunity to investors. All in all, the success of yPredict demonstrates the potential of a platform that is the combination of the power of cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence.

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