Are You Ready for Time Travel?

Would you like to go back to 1929, even for a moment? If your answer is yes, we invite you to the second part of our Webtekno time travel!

In our previous content January, February, March and April, the first four months of 1929 We made a time travel to the moon. In the first four months of 1929, which we completed with its bitter and sweet; We continue with the second four months.

On our first journey, you, our followers,Why did we travel to 1929 specifically?We seem to hear you ask a question like “. The answer to this question is “You will understand when we finish our journey to 1929.“.

For those who haven’t read the first part, start the journey below:


Interesting News That Was In The Newspapers Exactly 93 Years Ago: You Take A Time Travel When You See It

May 1929

May 2: What life doesn’t do to us that dyed Charlie Chaplin’s hair

May 3 – 4: Increasing toothpaste ads and this news, hm…


In the news on the left, we see that American scientists discovered Egypt and its surroundings as the first center of civilization. In the news on the right, it is stated that if people do not pay attention to their dental health, they may have to use dentures after 50 years. Considering that toothpaste advertisements were frequently published in newspapers before and after this news; We can think of it as news that smells of trade.

May 11: Nothing has changed in Turkish football, everything is as you know.


In the football match played between Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray, it was expected again, unpleasant events took place. The match started very gentlemanly; ended with players with broken arms and legs. In addition, a short time before the end of the match, there was a serious fight on the field.

May 14: The last solution against the cost of living: Newspaper coupon


We would like to briefly talk about the practice initiated by Cumhuriyet Newspaper on May 14, 1929. A small coupon is added to each edition of the newspaper. There is also a list of contracted shops on one page of the newspaper. When you shop at contracted stores, you get 10%, 20% or 30% discount depending on the type of shopping and you pay less. If we look at the newspaper news; The application was highly demanded by the public.

May 16: People show high demand for discount coupons


While it is stated that discount coupons make all readers (karii) happy; On the right, the shops where coupons can be used and the discount rates are listed.

May 16 – 29: The old post is completely shelved!


In the news on the left, it is reported that a man actually turns out to be a woman. In the details of the news, the woman claims that this person is the father of the man’s two children. Obviously, we could not interpret this news and we refer it to you. In the other news, it is reminded that the old text will not be accepted in government institutions.

May 25: Due to popular demand, 3 coupons are now given per day instead of 1


As of May 25, 1929, 3 coupons were given per day; We can see that the number of listed shops has also increased.

June 1929

6 – 8 June: As a result of the rise of the British currency, food products continue to increase


The article on the left includes the story of a woman who preferred suicide rather than having her front teeth removed. We don’t want to take the blame on anyone, but it doesn’t seem like this dental news is innocent at all… In the other news, the increase in sugar as a result of the increase in the British currency is mentioned. There are serious hikes not only in sugar, but also in many foods.

June 6: Good news, a phone call is coming to Ankara!


The news on the left states that Ankara’s telephone infrastructure is almost complete and that the phones will start working within this month. The news on the right tells the story of a woman who does “nail work” in banks.

12 – 19 June: Honor!


In the news on the left, it is claimed that the famous American actor John Gilbert was the best kisser in those days. We do not want to comment on the other news. It is claimed that the honor meter was invented in America.

18 – 21 June: T4 line, frequently used by Istanbulites, opens


Fatih – Edirnekapı section, which forms a part of T4 Topkapı – Mescid-i Selam Tram Line with its current name, started to serve on 21 June 1929.

18 June: Mehmet from Trabzon made headlines in two different newspapers


Mehmet from Trabzon was on the front page of both Cumhuriyet and Akşam Newspapers on 18 June 1929. According to the information conveyed, 4-year-old Mehmet’s beard and mustache have grown. This is also observed in the photographs. In the opinion of doctors, this happened due to a hormonal disorder. It is also written in the newspapers that Mehmet may marry because he has reached puberty. The Evening Newspaper must have exaggerated the situation a bit because it states that the court gave Mehmet permission to marry upon the advice of a doctor. It was also written in Cumhuriyet Newspaper that Mehmet had to perform ghusl.

June 19 – 20: While men lie on their side, women will earn money


According to an event in America, an American woman started her career as a lawyer. She has been preferred by many men because she is a woman, and naturally she earns many times more than a male lawyer, but her surroundings do not believe this word of the lawyer lady. The woman, on the other hand, finds the solution when her husband leaves the job. His wife stays at home, does not go to work; On the other hand, the family makes a living in luxury with the money earned by the woman. In this way, people around begin to believe in the woman. When this incident is heard all over America, many working women want their spouses to quit their job in order to prove that they are making good money. In the other news, it is explained that men who own cars are more flirtatious.

June 20 – 21: First woman to become wealthy through alimony


A woman in England has been married many times. As in every marriage, many jewelry is attached to him; While he was getting divorced, he received many financial gifts and compensation from his spouses under the name of alimony. According to the news, this lady got rich by getting married and divorced.

29 June: A phone call could be made with Ankara before the end of the month, good luck Ankara! By the way, we lost Mehmet…


On June 28, 1929, a successful telephone call was made between Istanbul and Ankara, and it was announced that this service would be offered to citizens as of July 1, 1929. Also, Mehmet from Trabzon died in Şişli Etfal Hospital. As the cause of death, it was shown that his heart was on the right side. It was announced that Mehmet passed away due to this rare condition.

July 1929

July 4 – 5: Marriage trainings are given to women


Especially in this period, even the young people who were 25-30 years old did not approach marriage. Since the people who do not accept marriages are generally men, some trainings have been given to women in America to persuade men to marry. According to reports, marriage rates increased in America after these trainings. The other news tells the story of a person who died of tetanus.

July 10 – 11: Extreme heat creates new fashions


The news on the left again describes the troubled marriages in America. It is said that in America, where marriages are low, existing marriages also come to an end for trivial reasons. On the right, it is reported that he gave tea parties by the sea due to the extreme heat. In the same days, we can see the news that many people in our country put their beds and quilts on the street and started to sleep on the street.

14 – 16 July: Imam – congregation relationship…


In 2014, drugs were found in the hotel room of the President of the Drug Enforcement Association. In the news on the left, it is explained that the officers who control illegal cigarettes also use illegal cigarettes. The other news is from İşbank’s piggy bank advertisement.

17 – 20 July: Women want to be police too


Until this date, women cannot become police officers, but for the first time with this news, preparations have been started for women to become police officers as well. In the other news, the giant fire in Ankara is mentioned.

25 – 31 July: She left her husband who was delirious under the influence of narcosis


An American man is operated on at the hospital he went to with appendicitis pain. The surgery is extremely successful. While he was resting after the operation, when he started to regain his consciousness, he shouted the name of a foreign woman with the effect of narcosis. The man’s wife, who constantly calls out the name of a foreign woman, gets quite hairy from this situation. He calls the hospital staff and asks him to listen too. Then he filed for divorce from his wife. In the divorce case, he shows the hospital staff as witnesses. The woman, to the judge; He says, “It is not possible for my husband to delve into a woman he does not know, but he insists that I still do not know him, I want a divorce from him”. The judge finds the woman right and divorces the couple.

August 1929

1 – 2 August: Beauty pageant finalists are announced


Since this date, the beauty candidates who made it to the finals were subjected to voting. The stamps supplied with the newspaper were used for voting. In the other news, a discussion started about whether brunette women or blonde women are more beautiful.

4 – 5 August: Righteous anger on the trams


In summary, the subject described in the news on the left is as follows: When the passengers get on the tram, they hand the ticket owner money. The cost of going to Şişli is 6.5 cents, and the passengers also extend 6.5 cents, out of order. Despite this, the ticket owner asks, “Where are you going?” Passengers are very angry at this situation, and many times there are fights between ticket holders and passengers. Passengers rightly say, “I’m giving the money in coins, isn’t it clear where I’m going?” Ticket holders say that they received orders from their superiors to ask. The people, who are nervous because of the price hikes and the extreme heat, are looking for some excuse for a fight. In the other news, an American woman is mentioned. According to the news, the woman who has been married for six years has had 5 children so far. When the woman applied to the court; “I’ve been married for six years, I give birth every year, when will I live my youth?” he said.

12 – 18 August: Altay got angry with the referee and left the field


Today, we are often not satisfied with the referee’s decisions. This situation continues in the same way in 1929. So much so that Altay was so angry with the referee that he was willing to withdraw from the field. According to journalists, Altay is not wrong to be angry with the referee. In the other news, it is written that we will be without coal in 140 years.

21 – 23 August: The hike in meat prices led people to frog and cat meat


In the previous news, we mentioned that chubby is in fashion this year. Again, in this news, it is explained that chubby people are not affected by the heat. Unfortunately, this is one of the situations that we cannot solve in our time travel. In the other news; It is explained that after the hikes in sheep and beef meat, cat meat can also be put on the market. Some people even state that they eat both frog and cat meat and that cat meat is more delicious than frog meat.

23 – 25 August: Some government officials are also keen on cat meat


While the reaction to the cat meat advocates continues; It is reminded that donkey meat was also recommended before. In the other news, the lives of those residing in Polonezköy are mentioned.

27 – 28 August: People are curious about Polonezköy and complain about the kissing scenes in the cinema.


While a significant part of the people are wondering about the life in Polonezköy these days; In the other news, there is a news that there are too many kissing scenes in period films.

We have also completed our second route in our time travel. In the coming days, we will travel together with you to the months of September, October, November and December, which are the last part of our time travel. Until then, bye and see you…

Source: Although all newspaper news in our time travel belong to Akşam and Cumhuriyet Newspapers; Obtained through the Gaste Archive.

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