Are Samsung Galaxy devices saying goodbye to the Play Store?

Google has been at the center of discussions with its Play Store store for many years. A serious competitor is coming to Google, which is said to monopolize Android users in this regard. Samsung an Indian digital payments firm, backed by Play Store competitor working on it.

Samsung-backed company develops Play Store rival store

Digital payments and financial services company PhonePehas stepped up its efforts to challenge Google Play Store dominance. The company is said to be developing an alternative app store to the Play Store for users in India.

PhonePe’s new store aims to bring Indian users together on a single platform IndusOS will be based. It was stated that the store, which will be supported by Samsung, will include “high-level localized” applications and services.

New danger in Google Play!  Hundreds of thousands of users downloaded

New danger in Google Play! Hundreds of thousands of users downloaded

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Although the app store is still in development, it will be exciting especially for Galaxy tablets and phones. 12 different languages ​​and 24 hours live chat The new store, which will offer support, will be user-friendly in terms of accessibility.

While the app store is available for all Android models, Samsung’s support is quite substantial. In addition, the store, which will be downloadable from the Google Play Store, will directly appeal to Google’s user base.

It should not be forgotten that Google Play also creates a debate about user security. For example, the latest report by Zscaler ThreatLabz researchers a few months ago; Joker, Facestealer And coper detected some applications with software groups in the Play Store.

What do you think about this subject? Don’t forget to share your views with us in the comments!

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