Are Gold-Plated Dishes of the Rich Harmful to Health?

It is possible to see gold and silver dust very frequently, especially in industries such as pastry. So how did these metals, which we normally wear around our neck or wrist, suddenly become an indispensable part of the rich in the food industry?

Nowadays, gold and silver dust are “wealth” It has now become normal to see it in many people’s meals as a sign of bad manners (for some, it is bad manners). Especially the gold dust that is put in our eyes is now symbol of power and prestige It is also perceived as.

Well, eating these metals, Is it harmful to our health? and what effect does it have on our body? To find answers to these questions, we need to examine how it is made secure.

These precious metals were seen as a symbol of wealth, power and prestige not only today but also in the past.

Gold consumption has a long history, with use in ancient Chinese, Japanese and Egyptian traditions. Especially In the “golden” age of ancient Rome Used by courtiers and pompous elitists, this metal had become an almost indispensable part of meals.

So how is it made safe to eat?

Before these elements can be used for food, pounded very finely It is turned into leaves. These leaves are generally 0.1 microns thick, about 1/1000th the size of a human hair.

In this way, gold and silver leaves can be consumed without the need for chewing or digesting. can be easily swallowed. We wouldn’t be wrong if we said it melts in your mouth.

So the leaves are purified to make them safe to eat. Golden leaves, usually 22 or 24 carat It is made of 91.6% or 99.9% pure gold.

Silver leaves are generally 99.9% pure silver. With this method, products that may be harmful to the body are eliminated. It is free from other metals.

These metals do not undergo any chemical reactions or are absorbed after entering the body.

Nusret gold plated meat, Nusret Gökçe golden hamburger, saltbae golden meat

When gold and silver are used for food, they do not cause any damage after entering the body. does not react chemically or not absorbed because it does not react with body fluids or stomach acid, i.e. They are inert elements. Therefore, it does not accumulate in the body or cause toxic effects.

Once these metals enter the body, they move through the digestive system and are excreted through the feces. This process is usually completed within 24 hours and does not create any permanent effects on the body. your feces It serves as a bit of a decoration.

When used for food, it has been shown to have no beneficial or harmful effects on health.

Dilan Polat gold plated coffee, Dilan Polat gold powder

Since these metals do not undergo any chemical reactions in the body and are not absorbed It does not play a role in improving or deteriorating health. So, as you can see, their only purpose is to give the food or drink an aesthetic appearance.

However, some people may be allergic to gold or silver. Usually self skin redness, itching, or rash Allergy symptoms can be life-threatening for some people. Therefore, it is critical to find out whether you are allergic to such metal dust before eating it.

We have previously made a content about the interesting tastes of the rich:


Rich people say “You can’t spend money on this either!” Interesting Tastes You Will Say

Yes, dear readers, I don’t know about you, but I am your editor, especially in the mornings. I can’t wake up without gold dust in my Turkish coffee (please do not open an inquiry).

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