April is Critical for These 7 Altcoins: Here are the Events to Expect!

As we enter April, crypto enthusiasts are keeping a close eye on updates and developments from some of the most popular altcoin projects. From the PancakeSwap V3 update to the Ethereum Shanghai hard fork, there are a few key events planned for this month.

v3 update will be released on PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap (CAKE), a decentralized platform, will release PancakeSwap V3 update on Binance Smart Chain on April 3. The update is expected to bring new features to PancakeSwap such as providing liquidity, improved transaction fees and incentives. With the release of v3, PancakeSwap is emerging as a key contender in the “war of DEXs” on BNB Chain, which has entered a serious new phase with the expansion of Uniswap v3 to the network. Currently, in terms of total value locked, PancakeSwap has a dominant 45 percent stake in the chain with a valuation of $3.4 billion, compared to $10 million in Uniswap.

EVM will be launched in Zilliqa

Second, the first full version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on the Zilliqa (ZIL) network will be released on April 25. Zilliqa’s team is working to launch an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible platform that will likely attract more developers to the ecosystem in the coming weeks. With the activation of the EVM, users will be able to transfer ZIL using some ETH-specific wallets. It will also be able to use Solidity smart contracts used in the ETH network.

Failed Bitcoin and altcoin exchange FTX sells LedgerX

FTX has announced that it will auction its derivatives platform LedgerX to interested bidders on April 4. The US arm of FTX acquired LedgerX in late 2021 and then rebranded it as FTX.US Derivatives. This latest news comes after a notice of revised dates was presented by the FTX advisor on March 18. The auction will take place at Sullivan & Cromwell’s offices on April 4 and a hearing will be held on April 12 to complete the sale. The winning bidder will be notified within one business day from the end of the auction.

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FTX has been given approval to sell other business units including FTX Japan, FTX Europe and Embed Financial Technologies to raise funds for creditors. According to a legal filing, more than 117 parties have expressed interest in acquiring FTX’s subsidiaries.

NAKA 2.0 launch from Nakamoto Games

Nakamoto Games announced the launch of NAKA 2.0 on April 6. cryptocoin.com As we reported, Nakamoto Games offers a wide variety of Blockchain games with unlimited advantages for players. A number of games allow you to choose from your choice of games such as shooting, racing and more.

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Rocket Pool to perform Atlas update

Rocket Pool, a project designed by Vitalik Buterin, is expected to perform the Atlas update on April 18. Founder and Chief Technology Officer David Rugendyke said in a recent blog post that Rocket Pool, a liquid staking protocol that is one of the top 20 projects in decentralized finance, will release its long-awaited “Atlas” upgrade in April.

Atlas will allow Rocket Pool node operators to run their own Ethereum validators with only 8 ETH, or around $12,500. This will halve the current 16 ETH requirements, which is half the amount required for people running their own validators without the Rocket Pool software. Overall, these events scheduled for April will significantly impact the altcoin market and crypto enthusiasts are keeping a close eye on the developments. With exciting updates and improvements expected in the coming weeks, it will be interesting to see how these altcoins perform in the market.

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Impossible Finance will sell altcoins

On April 12, Impossible Finance will hold the Arken Finance altcoin sale. Arken Finance offers an all-in-one trading tool for DEX traders to track tokens and synthetic assets, predict market movement and trade at the best rate. Arken aggregates multiple DEXs into a single platform and addresses the core vulnerability of today’s DEXs. The tool includes a real-time trading view, giving users a single entry point to manage crypto assets with ease. It can even be customized for advanced traders with over 160 different technical indicators and unique custom charts.

There will be a big development for the leading altcoin ETH

The Ethereum Shanghai hard fork is scheduled to take place on April 12. This long-awaited upgrade will allow the withdrawal of staked ETH and will mark the completion of the full transition of Ethereum to the PoS network. The upgrade, called “Shapella”, is one of the most important upgrades in the Ethereum network.

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