Apps You Can Use With Spotify

Although Spotify, one of the most popular music listening platforms in the world, offers a new feature to its users every day, it is possible to increase your listening pleasure by using third-party applications. Let’s take a closer look at some of the apps you can use with Spotify.

It is not enough to say that Spotify is only a music listening platform, which was first introduced to users in 2006. ‘Cause when we look today Spotify, which has hundreds of millions of active users, It has become the platform where the pulse of the music world beats. Many new artists are known here and master artists are now presenting their new pieces to their fans for the first time on this platform.

Because Spotify uses an advanced algorithm, it always offers its users exactly the tracks they want. Even though it offers new features every day, sometimes these are not enough for users. At this point, third-party applications that you can use with Spotify come into play. Bride By using it with Spotify, you will increase your music enjoyment. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best practices.

Applications that you can use with Spotify to increase your music enjoyment:

  • Magic Playlist
  • replay
  • Spotify
  • Dubolt
  • Forgotify
  • Artist Explorer
  • Playlist Manager
  • Denied
  • Record Player
  • Thirtify

Discover similar songs to your favorite songs: Magic Playlist

Magic Playlist is an app specially developed for users who want to discover brand new songs. After opening the application You search or select your favorite songs. According to your choices, the best recommendation options appear within seconds. If you say who will listen to these one by one, you can sail to new seas much faster by listening to the 30-second versions of the songs. Of course, you can develop new options by saving your loved ones among the suggestions.

You can click here to use the Magic Playlist application.

Don’t wait until the end of the year for the ones you listen to the most: Replayify

We love the most streamed artists, songs, listening time data released by Spotify at the end of each year, right? You no longer have to wait for the end of the year to see this data because by using the Replayify application, you can see which artist or song you listen to the most in different periods such as monthly, 3 months, 6 months. Let’s face it, dating startups would be a great way to go.

You can click here to use the Replayify application.

No more repetitive songs: Spotify Dedup

Are you one of those who make playlists as a hobby? Sometimes we get confused when we make playlists in different categories such as for the road, eating, studying, dancing, etc. we can put three or five of the same songs on the same list. That list just stays in case I edit it today or tomorrow. With the Spotify Dedup application, it will no longer be. Spotify Dedup finds and shows you the repeating songs in your playlist and gives you editing options. You can then edit your list to your liking.

You can click here to use the Spotify Dedup application.

Discover the likes of the artists you love: Dubolt

Everyone has an artist they admire and we are generally closed to innovations. But there comes a time when we want to listen to different things. This is where Dubolt comes into play. When you search for the artist you admire on Dubolt you will see the best options like it. With 30-second versions of songs, you can discover even more songs in a short time. Moreover, you can sort the songs according to their vocal, tempo, acoustic and rhythm features through the filters.

You can click here to use the Dubolt application.

There are millions of songs that have never been listened to: Forgotify

I’ve been using Spotify for years if you think that there is no song that I don’t listen to anymore, you are wrong because it is on the platform. There are over 4 million songs that have not been played even once and the number is increasing day by day. You can find these never-before-discovered songs using the Forgotify app. Who knows, maybe the new artist that you will admire is one of those who disappeared among these millions?

You can click here to use the Forgotify application.

Explore by artist: Artist Explorer

If you are tired of listening to the same songs by the same artist all the time, but at the same time you truly admire that artist, the Artist Explorer app is for you. After opening the app, go to the search bar. When you type and search for your favorite artist, you will see artists and songs of the same genre. If you are wondering if I like it, you can go on a much faster exploration by listening to the 30-second short version of the song, not the whole song.

You can click here to use the Artist Explorer application.

The easiest way to organize playlists: Playlist Manager

How many saved playlists do you have? Dozens of some of us! Good, but we don’t want to listen to some of them in that list form anymore. Even if we say let’s start and organize, it is not possible to get out of the work. It’s now possible with Playlist Manager. Thanks to Playlist Manager smart tools It allows you to organize your playlists with a few simple taps. Moreover, it is possible to keep your list constantly updated by using some automatic settings.

You can click here to use the Playlist Manager application.

Turn off that music, Muhittin brother: Denied

Anyone using the Spotify music listening platform can create their own playlists and share them with other users. If you are listening to one of these lists, you will notice that the same artist or song appears from time to time, even if you don’t want to listen to it. Use the Denied app instead of manually skipping these songs. By selecting the artist, song or album name on the application, you can ensure that that song will never appear again. You can also add memorable songs to your block list.

You can click here to use the Denied application.

Search for song by image: Record Player

The Record Player application builds a bridge between music and visuals. Let’s say while browsing Instagram You’ve seen a great album cover, but you can’t find the name. You immediately load it into the application and the whole album appears in front of you. There’s more. You found a photo of an attractive artist, but you can’t find his songs because you don’t know his name. Seconds after you upload the image to the application, you will see the artist’s songs and everything you need to know about them. You can create your own digital archive from your searches.

You can click here to use the Record Player application.

Quickly discover new listings: Thirtify

Everyone started making their own playlist. We’re wasting time trying to figure out if the playlist is good or bad. Thanks to Thirtify, we no longer have a second to waste because you can open the playlist that interests you through the application, listen to the 30-second versions and decide whether to continue listening or not. There is more. If you have prepared a bomb-like playlist for your party, you can open it on Thirtify and make the most lively parts or choruses play without intros and outros.

You can click here to use the Thirtify application.

The world’s most popular music streaming platform We’ve listed some of the best apps to use with Spotify to increase your musical enjoyment. If there are applications you use on our list, you can share your experiences in the comments.

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