Apple’s Profit from Unboxing Charger

Apple, which has not provided chargers and headphones with iPhones for the last 2 years, has made a profit of 6.5 billion dollars in this way. With this profit, it is possible to build 2 of the new Bosphorus bridges opened in Çanakkale…

Charger and earphone are the 2 most important accessories of a smartphone, even indispensable. However, those who buy a new generation smartphone have to pay extra for both the charger and the earphones, in addition to the higher prices. Apple’s iPhone 12 released in 2020 This epidemic, which started with

The main purpose of removing a charger or a headset from a smartphone box is of course to make a profit by reducing costs. Also, thanks to the shrinking of the boxes “to fit more phones in the same size container” There are also extra profit items such as Being able to send more products at once for giant companies like Apple, which ships millions of products every month to almost every country in the world; significantly reducing costs, thereby increasing profits per iPhone sold.

Of course, the only purpose is not to make a profit, but to reduce the damage to the environment(!):

Even though İsmail Abi’s famous line comes to mind, Apple has achieved ‘2 million metric tons less carbon emissions’ by selling phones without a charger for 2 years. So what does this mean? According to the data released by The Mac Observer, which conducted the research, it is equivalent to removing 500,000 fossil fuel vehicles from traffic.

But who cares about the emission, the environment when the phone’s charge is 1%, right? This “environmental” approach, which does not fit the minds of the end-users, of the companies as if they do not have separate packaging and shipping for chargers and separate carbon emissions brings the subject back to İsmail Abi. We return to our topic by saying “The main thing is money” without tiring our jaws.

When Apple took the charger out of the box, it made a profit of $6.5 billion, or TL 96.3 billion, in 2 years:

The cost of the new 1915 Çanakkale Bridge, which is expected to take 11 years to repay, is 3.1 billion euros, or 50.6 billion TL:

It is possible to say that Apple does not work with the build, operate, transfer model and it makes this profit not by selling products, but by selling “missing products” or “not selling products”. Income from the separate sale of chargers only $293 millionthat is, one-22th of the $6.5 billion out of the box.

This money, of course, has a market value of $2.6 trillion; ie without zero, boneless 38.53 trillion TL It’s a big deal for Apple, which is one of the leading companies in the world… Still, it shows that the main source of income for today’s giants is not selling products, but selling smartly.

Of course, Apple executives don’t quit and settle in an Aegean town with the money left in their pockets:

The chip called A15 Bionic, which Apple uses in the iPhone 13s, creates miracles in the area of ​​​​the tip of your thumb. The most recent price of this miracle is 17 thousand 500 TL.Even though it starts with Apple, Apple no longer uses some of this money for extra expenses such as a charger. Instead, it dedicates it to developing new generation processors. Maybe he is designing tiny processors that will completely eliminate the need for computers with future devices such as the iPhone 14 and the new iPad.

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