Apple Will Switch to New Battery in iPhone 16 Pro Max

Ming-Chi Kuo claimed that Apple is working on a brand new battery technology for the iPhone 16 Pro Max. Allegedly, the phone’s battery will have higher energy density.

US-based technology giant Apple is likely to introduce it in September iPhone 16 Pro Max There was a remarkable development regarding the model. Ming-Chi Kuo, one of the experienced Apple analysts, said that Apple is working on this smartphone. a new battery technology He announced that he would start using it.

According to Ming-Chi Kuo, the new battery technology that Apple will use is will have higher energy density. In other words, even if the battery size does not change, the user will experience longer usage time.

New batteries can be used in all models in the iPhone 17 series

According to the analyst, Apple will use the battery technology for the first time in the iPhone 16 Pro Max, compared to the iPhone 17 series. to all models will integrate. However, there is a problem here. Increasing the energy density in a battery will cause that battery to heat up more. Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple’s problem stainless steel plating He believes that he will solve it with. However, this will increase phone costs.


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Meanwhile; Apple’s high energy density battery technology it’s not far let’s say. The company uses a similar technology in Apple Watch Series 9. The company even uses stainless steel coating in the battery of its newest smart watch. This being the case, it is unlikely that Ming-Chi Kuo’s claim will come true. is higher We can say.

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