Apple will make big changes to its devices!

Technology giant Apple is preparing to make some changes in order to take its success in the industry one step further. Stating that it will make the devices “smarter” in the future device, the company aims to use more powerful hardware and make the interaction between humans and technology stronger. Here are the details

Apple products will now be smarter!

Technology, which has been developing more and more recently, has pushed the entire technology world, including giant companies, to take some innovative steps. Apple, which has always stood out with its innovative approach, plans to develop smarter and more successful products by taking its position in the industry even further. The company, which bases these plans on more advanced artificial intelligence models and new high-performance hardware, is taking serious steps.


In today’s technology, the fact that our smart devices can receive voice commands from us and respond to these messages, instantly monitor the oxygen level in our blood along with our heartbeats, translate all the world’s languages ​​into each other and allow us to communicate live with our loved ones are extremely ordinary functions. However, artificial intelligence technology, which has just started to be included in our lives, has not yet reached this level of mediocrity.

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Wanting to re-establish the norms at this point, Apple aims to offer its cutting-edge products to the user experience by spending more time on artificial intelligence technology in the coming period. The technology giant, which plans to exceed the limits of artificial intelligence technology in today’s conditions with this breakthrough, is trying to bring a new perspective to the artificial intelligence models it uses in its devices.


Apple’s research team discussed the issue of ‘memory’, one of the biggest factors limiting artificial intelligence. Thanks to a new method discovered by the team during the research process, the AI ​​models were able to run at a capacity equivalent to twice the DRAM capacity of the device, while CPU and GPU operations were significantly accelerated.

The new steps taken by the company within the framework of this mentality seem to pave the way for the beginning of a new era in the technology world. The company, which we expect to be brought to our agenda with much more successful results in the future, allocates a serious budget for these steps.

So, what do you think about this issue? You can share your opinions with us in the comments section.

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