Apple TV+, Netflix, Amazon Video and more in one: Plex introduced!

Internet use has become very common in the world in recent years. As such, the number of platforms broadcasting on the internet has increased rapidly. Although this increase increased users’ access to many quality content, it also brought some minor problems.

So much so that users may be faced with a waste of time because the content they want to watch is on different platforms. Although it may seem like a small detail, it can be tiring in terms of viewing pleasure. However, Plex has a new initiative in this regard.

Netflix Turkey hiked prices!

In this context, Netflix Turkey, as in many countries in the world, hiked prices. Here are the 2022 Netflix subscription fees!

Plex is free on the Apple Store

Plex says that an individual subscribes to an average of 4 different content platforms. It introduced its new platform with the statement that this cross-platform switch sometimes found annoying times. Apple TV+ is a top platform where users of different streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Video and HBO can easily find and watch these services on a single platform.

In a way, users will have the opportunity to see broadcasts on different platforms in the same interface with Plex. It is stated that the platform, which is currently offered for free in the Apple Store, will soon come to other stores. The platform is free, but it is stated that some features within the application are subject to a fee. The company included the following sentences in its introduction letter.

Starting today, global streaming media platform Plex becomes the only app you need to find any movie or show. In other words, it acts as a window to all your paid and free streaming services.

Plex, in its statement, states that they will do the same at the level of video streaming platforms, by giving an example of Google presenting all the options in internet searches on a single page. Plex appears to be in beta form yet. However, it is already a matter of curiosity in which countries it will be active when it is released globally.

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