Apple Sues Two Former Employees: They Sold Chip Secrets

Chips are very important for Apple devices. For this reason, the company did not take pity on its two former employees, which it thought had sent the secrets of the chips to rival companies, and sued.

Apple came to the fore yesterday with the news that it added new employees and gave bonuses to employees in order to speed up iPhone 14 production. However, some information that has emerged today has revealed some problems between the company and its former employees.

Like every big company, Apple signs a ‘confidentiality agreement’ with its employees when it hires new employees. It was alleged that some employees who left the company acted contrary to the confidentiality agreement they signed. Apple has also sued its former employees, which it says exposed trade secrets.

Dozens of files allegedly sent to rival companies

Santa Clara-based technology company Rivos has been quietly developing for a while. However, Apple Nearly 40 former engineers started to work at Rivos. He claimed. It was said that all the secrets of Apple’s new generation chipsets such as the M1 and A15 were transferred to Rivos. Apple has sued Rivos and two of its former employees over the matter.

The content of the case was not only about chipsets. Same time Rivos launched a campaign targeting Apple employees to gain unfair advantage. among the details of the case.

There is no detailed information about the content of the campaign, but it is understood that former employees are thought to be used to obtain Apple’s secrets. Bhasi Kaithama named in the lawsuit worked for Apple for 8 years and Rickey Wen for 12 years. Before Apple left employees last year copying dozens of files and importing them into Rivos claims.


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Regarding Apple monetary compensation and return of private information demands. Rivos has not yet made an official statement on the subject. The outcome of the case is unknown, but if it is confirmed that the two former employees violated their confidentiality agreement, it is certain that they will be in a lot of pain.

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