Apple Safari is being renewed with artificial intelligence!

Appleis preparing to strengthen the Safari browser with artificial intelligence. This innovation with iOS 18 At Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June will be introduced. This is what Safari will get artificial intelligence Very important details about her make-up are shared.

The first of these features smart search feature appears as. Safari can summarize content using locally running artificial intelligence. Apple’s large language model (LLM) recognizes and summarizes topics and key phrases on a web page. This feature to ChatGPT Although it seems like it was developed as a response, it is much safer because it takes place on the device.

web eraser With its feature, it offers users the opportunity to easily remove unwanted banner ads, images, texts and even entire sections on web pages. Deleted content is remembered between sessions, so you can see the changes made when you visit the same page.

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Safari’s user interface is also being updated. New page control menuprovides easy access to options previously available in different places. In addition to Smart Search and web content deletion features, zoom options, privacy controls, content blocking options, in-page text search, reader mode, and extension shortcuts. other features is also included in this menu.

Next year to Apple browserwill allow you to get information about consumer products while browsing through images A much more powerful visual search feature he adds. This feature works similarly to Siri’s visual search feature, which recognizes plants, pets, and monuments in photos.

What Apple will do to the Safari browser artificial intelligence Their integration can significantly transform your internet experience. These innovations include smarter search capabilities, personalized content filtering and advanced visual search features It enriches the user experience by offering

While watching these developments, one wonders what kind of balance Apple will strike and how it will integrate artificial intelligence technologies responsibly. What do you think about these innovations? How will the artificial intelligence features that Apple plans to integrate into Safari affect your daily internet use?


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