Apple pressed the button for durable iPhones!

One of the first companies that come to mind when it comes to the technology ecosystem, Apple, while trying to expand its product range, is also looking for ways to improve the products it has already launched. The company continues to work to develop the world-famous smartphone iPhones.

iPhone will be protected from high water pressure and low air pressure

According to reports leaked from important sources recently, Apple will prioritize durability in the upcoming new versions of iPhone devices. Sources say that the company is in the process of making iPhone devices much more resistant to high water pressure and low air pressure.

Apple users beware: Your phone is at risk!

Apple has issued a warning for iPhone users. The company recommended immediate installation of iOS 15.5, which removes more than 25 security issues.

Apple’s previous pressure-related patents were for the touch resistance of screens in general. Apple, which could not pass the average in terms of durability by many people, will focus on mixing this perception in the new period. According to insider rumors, the company will push the limits in terms of pressure resistance. The following statements are included in the published report:

These devices travel with people who leave the house on their way to work and are with them at every moment. As users increasingly rely on these devices, the devices are designed to be more robust. On the other hand, the device can replace plastic components with metal components, or glass components can be made of thicker and tempered glass.

According to Apple, people who work in harsh environments often prefer the iPhone, so the devices need to be even more durable, he says. On the other hand, the company has been working on this issue for a long time. Among the reasons for the policy of removing the headphone jack, which started with the iPhone 7, “sreduce the areas where sleep can enter” was shown.

How do you think iPhone devices stand in terms of durability? Please share your views with us in the comments section.

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