Apple leaves the Privacy and Security Coalition! – ShiftDelete.Net

Technology giant Apple has taken a big step forward in terms of security and privacy. Apple has announced that it is leaving the State Privacy and Security Coalition. An Apple spokesperson also confirmed the news, confirming that they are leaving the coalition.

The State Privacy and Security Coalition promotes the common business interests of its members doing business in privacy and cybersecurity. Coalition; It includes members such as technology, media, telecommunications, automobiles. So, why did Apple leave the coalition and what are the explanations? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

Stunning report on third-party apps from Apple!

Apple surprised everyone with a new report it released today. The company downplayed first-party apps.

Apple may be worried!

Technology giant Apple has not yet made a statement about its departure from the Privacy and Security Coalition. However, the reason for leaving is thought to be due to the fact that the laws cannot fully protect user data.

The US-based Politico newspaper, which brought up Apple’s departure from the privacy coalition for the first time, made the following statement on the subject:

The company’s decision to leave the confidential trading group, led by major law firm DLA Piper, came as Apple further positioned itself as a privacy-friendly tech company. A source familiar with the split said Apple split over concerns that SPSC-enforced legislation would not adequately protect user data.

The timing of Apple’s departure from the Privacy and Security Coalition was remarkable. That’s because Apple CEO Tim Cook will chair a global privacy summit next week. Cook is expected to speak at the opening of the summit and talk about the fundamental human right to privacy.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think Apple’s departure from the commission is related to the summit that will take place next week? You can express your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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