Apple Leaves Privacy and Security Coalition

Apple, one of the largest technology companies in the world; Meta (Facebook) has left the Government Privacy and Security Coalition (SPSC), made up of companies like Google and AT&T, as “not secure enough”.

For years, millions of people Apple Undoubtedly, security is one of the reasons for choosing it. So, how safe is our data in the ‘virtual world’, the greatest blessing of technology, which is at the center of our lives? Big tech companies, according to Apple USA based Government Privacy and Security Coalition, does not live up to its name.

According to some sources, the coalition, of which Apple was a member until yesterday, enacts laws that support the industry rather than the consumer. In response to this situation, the Apple front of the coalition not fighting enough for data security and announced that he is leaving the group because of this reason.

Apple leaves the Privacy and Security Coalition due to ‘weak privacy laws’

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