Apple Ignores 3 Vulnerabilities

A security researcher announced that Apple ignored three vulnerabilities in iOS 15. The researcher claimed that they reported the security vulnerabilities to Apple, but the company was trying to cover up the flaws.

To detect and fix vulnerabilities in the system, Apple Apple Security Bounty runs a program called This program allows all researchers to detect and report vulnerabilities that may threaten the security or privacy of Apple users. prize money gives.

Expanding the scope of the program in 2019, Apple also increased the monetary rewards. This naturally increased the interest in the program. Within the scope of the program, Apple’s iOS four vulnerabilities The claim of a researcher stating that the

Only one of the four bugs has been resolved:

The person who made the vulnerability notifications, these notifications were not yet in the middle of iOS 15. From 10 March to 4 May made. One of the bugs was fixed with iOS 14.7, but the bug was not listed on Apple’s official vulnerability page. When he noticed this situation and mentioned it to Apple, he was informed that this was due to a bug and that it would definitely be on the list of the next version. However, the bug was not included in the next list of vulnerabilities.

In addition to this bug fixed, Three vulnerabilities still unsolved and included in iOS 15 This researcher, with the username illusionofchaos, states that these errors, which Apple ignores, directly threaten the privacy of user information. According to him, Apple wants to cover up the security vulnerabilities in iOS with such moves.


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One of the security vulnerabilities includes a problem such that applications with access to location information can also access Wi-Fi information, while another is that applications downloaded from the AppStore can be accessed by users. Apple ID information and causes them to access their directory. The third vulnerability is the applications installed on the device. to see other installed applications. why is this happening. All of these vulnerabilities are allegedly present in iOS 15 as well.

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