Apple has developed a warning system for Pro Display XDR!

Apple Pro Display XDR developed a new system for its users. Developed by the company 6K have resolution 32 inch the monitor will present new suggestions to people against possible troubles. Especially 2021 model Macbook Pro users will also have a healthier experience with the new document.

Underlining that there is a danger of heating in possible uses, appledid not neglect to give a few warnings about the situations that may be encountered.

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Warm-up warning to Pro Display XDR users

The company, which has developed a warning system on the subject, MacBook Pro with Liquid Retina XDR Displayin or Pro Display XDR He gave preliminary information about the problems that may occur in the model. Stating that heating problems may occur, the technology giant also introduced its new system for the first time on the subject. According to the shared information, users will see that the brightness decreases when they encounter intense heating situations. In addition, computer and monitor owners will be notified by a warning icon.

The warning icon that will appear in the menu bar of the devices or in the “Display” menu in the “Control Center” explains that it means the display is in low power mode and at “limited brightness”. Not forgetting the people who are likely to encounter this situation, Apple shared a series of solution suggestions.

  • Liquid Rto the flesh XDR with screen MacBook ProQuit all applications that may consume significant system resources.
  • Unless your current workflow requires a specific reference mode Apple XDR Display or Pro Display XDR use reference mode.
  • Lower the ambient temperature of the room. HDR close or hide all windows with content.
  • Matchto put your Apple menu > sleepSelect . of your screen 5-10 minutes wait for it to cool, then press any key on the keyboard to wake your Mac.
Apple Pro Display XDR

In possible cases, the company asked users who continue to experience errors despite normal room temperature, to contact Apple Support. The company, which does not share any other solution suggestions at the moment, is curiously expected to be able to solve the problem with hardware.

So you apple‘of Pro Display XDR What do you think about sharing? Do you think the solutions will work? Do not forget to share your views with us.

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