Apple Gives Record Cash Award to Students Who Find Open

The student who discovered a vulnerability that allowed hackers to gain full access to Apple’s Mac devices was presented with the biggest award ever.

Exactly 2 months ago, Apple thanked Turkish software developer Rıza Sabuncu, who found and reported the company’s security vulnerabilities. only $7,500 reward had given. Although it seems like a big amount of money when we look at the exchange rate in our country, Apple’s award to a university student who recently found a deficit is nothing compared to the award.

Apple gave a prize of 100 thousand 500 dollars to the university student who found a deficit in Apple’s Mac computers. That’s a shame given Apple’s other rewards for finding a vulnerability. record. Let’s take a closer look at the gap the student found.

Discovered a vulnerability that could access Mac cameras, leaving them completely open to hackers

A cybersecurity student named Ryan Pickren had previously discovered vulnerabilities in iPhone and iMacs. Pickren managed to get Apple’s biggest award with this new vulnerability he discovered. Looks like Pickren’s 100 thousand 500 dollars This vulnerability, which caused it to receive an award, is again caused by the cameras of the Macs.

Thanks to this vulnerability, hackers can access any web-based account, from iCloud on a hacked Mac to a PayPal account. have full access to accounts. Moreover, they can use the computer’s microphone, camera and screen sharing features. Of course, if the camera is in use, the green light next to it is on anyway.


Good Money When Multiply By 11: Turkish Software Developer Who Found Apple’s Deficit Wins Two Separate Awards

Thanks to the vulnerability, the attacking hacker was able to hack the browser’s system to save local copies of websites, Pickren said. Safari Web Archives It can also access all files of the device by making use of its files. You can also read Pickren’s article on this incident here.

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