Apple Banned This Altcoin! –

Apple, one of the few technology companies that has not yet revealed its color against cryptocurrencies, did not allow the new wallet application of a popular altcoin project to be published on the App Store.

Apple doesn’t want the crypto wallet of this altcoin project in its store

Uniswap Labs announced the launch of a new mobile wallet on Friday. According to preliminary findings, the wallet will be a self-protecting and open-source mobile application. The team said that they are waiting for approval from Apple even though they sent the mobile app months ago. Meanwhile, Uniswap Labs has opened its internal TestFlight app for its wallet to a limited number of users. Limited early release via Apple TestFlight, allowing a maximum of 10,000 users.

Uniswap Labs reported on its Twitter account today that the wallet was not approved. It is not yet clear why the application, which was rejected by Apple, was not approved.

Uniswap’s application was rejected, while other wallets were approved. The statement from the team included the following statements:

So why a limited early release from a team committed to making it accessible for everyone? Simply put, Apple will not greenlight our launch and we don’t know why. We submitted our mobile app months ago, and despite being 100% compliant with their specifications, we’re still stuck in uncertainty.

Apple prefers to stay away from cryptocurrencies

In this regard, Apple is speculated to be apprehensive about crypto-related products in the current regulatory environment. Therefore, it may take a long time for the app to launch in the App Store until there is clarity regarding the cryptocurrency laws.

Announcing the wallet at the EthDenver conference, Uniswap noted the wallet’s ability to seamlessly switch between various Ethereum networks, including Polygon and Optimism. The M-wallet also had tools to track prices and trends, and to track the trading activity of other Uniswap wallet users.

The wallet will remain largely inaccessible as Apple refuses to give Uniswap permission to add it to the company’s App Store. Uniswap Labs expressed surprise at Apple’s decision in tweets addressing the issue.

Apple has been wary of crypto apps in the past, blocking Coinbase and other services that offer crypto transactions years ago. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment regarding Uniswap’s refusal to approve its wallet, but the decision is likely due to recent restrictive crypto moves from the US, as we noted above.

US regulators disrupt crypto adoption We have covered the latest investigations surrounding Binance in this article. Recently, global media company Forbes suggested that Binance is improperly using user funds such as FTX. SEC Chairman Gary Gensler argues that cryptocurrency exchanges should not be viewed as safe and qualified guardians.

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