Anti-Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency NFT Step from China: Launching a National Platform

Standing out with its Bitcoin (BTC) and anti-cryptocurrency bans, China is preparing to launch its first regulated national NFT platform backed by the state in the new year.

According to a report published by local news outlet Sina News on Dec. January 1, 2023in NFT for trade first regulated platform plans to create. This platform to take charge for the secondary market for NFT trading China Technology Exchangea government agency Art Exhibitions China and Huban Digital Copyrights created in collaboration.

The platform, which is expected to go live in January, is intended to facilitate the trading of NFTs and the transfer of copyrights for digital assets. The platform makes the transfer between the buyer and the seller more secure and easier, thereby expanding the NFT market. to significantly affect Waiting.

One of the leading experts in digital assets in China Yu Jianingstated that there are too many uncertain points on the sector yet. of this platform China’s culture industry Expressing that it is an important step for his digital transformation, Jianing gave the following details in an interview on the subject:

In terms of industry oversight and regulation, digital assets represent a new form of commerce and many things regarding laws, regulations and audit policies await refinement. Therefore, there is still greater uncertainty. Compared to intellectual property and digital copyrights, digital assets require greater regulatory intervention.

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