Another Solana-Based Altcoin Project Announced Airdrop!

The airdrop trend continues in Solana (SOL)-based decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.

The developer of the DeFi protocol Kamino Finance, known as “Marky”, said in a Twitter space broadcast that he would soon launch a points system and that this would be the future. airdrop distribution He stated that it was a movement that laid the groundwork for

Recently, another Solana-based protocol was launched. Jito (JTO) It carried out an airdrop distribution that satisfied its users and brought thousands of dollars.

It is thought that the points system announced by Kamino will further increase the great recovery that Solana has experienced in the past period. Details of Kamino’s point system have not been announced yet, but it is thought to have an impact like Jito. However, your scores are in the protocol staking, trading and farming It is estimated that it will be given to users who do so.

Kamino’s total locked asset value (TVL) as of early November, according to DefiLlama data $10 million while being around Airdrop on Solana network The craze of this level for $96 million led to it.

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