Another hit: The founder of Bitrota has been detained!

Scandals in domestic cryptocurrency exchanges do not end. thodex, bitcoin and Systemcoinafter and now bitrota, came to the fore with his profiteering. The founders of the company, which started its activities in Kayseri in July 2018, took the money of approximately 30 thousand users and disappeared.

One of the founding partners of Bitrota after the event. Kenan Altun and Hasan Ozkan got lost. Approximately 30 thousand victims left behind, the money collected by the duo. 1 Billion TL is said to be. However, the latest news revealed that one of the fugitive partners was caught.

BTS shut down the cryptocurrency exchange using his name!

Cryptocurrency exchange Bitget has come to the fore with the recently introduced Army coin. But BTS management suspended all operations.

Bitrota co-founder Kenan Altun caught

TRTAccording to the news of Büşra Çelik, one of the fugitive partners, Kenan Altunwas captured in Ankara. detained AltunHe left for Istanbul to be questioned. Unfortunately, taken from 30 thousand victims 1 billion TLHis condition remains a mystery for now.

from partners Hasan Ozkan is still missing. What victims fear most is the possibility of the duo converting the money they stole into crypto in untraceable ways. Promising large amounts of monthly income to investors, so many people lose money. bitrota, has not yet made an official statement.

The suspects, who are looking for investors in the crypto currency they call Talent, gathered members with the promotional meetings they held in many cities. The province where the suspects give the most weight, apart from Kayseri, Hatay was stated. The team, which came before the investors with a system similar to the Ponzi scheme, promised to earn 30 percent per month.

The campaign, which was held last April, caused thousands of people to invest more. Promising a gain of up to 45 percent, Bitrota offers users who bring new investors. 25 percent It was a guarantee of additional income. Kayseri Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, the executives of the company last Wednesday Kenan Altun and Hasan Ozkan launched an investigation.

So what do you think about this subject? bitrota Do you think the victims will get their money back? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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