Announcement of “Single Cryptocurrency” for 2022 from CEO of Giant Investment Fund!

year 2021, crypto industry It was very, very different and productive for him. Besides the price record of Bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins, the overall acceptance and growth achieved by the cryptocurrency industry is also seen as a significant achievement. So what do the big names think for 2022?

Morehead Points to LUNA for 2022

Founder and CEO of Pantera Capital, one of the largest investment firms in the cryptocurrency industry Dan Morehead, Before 2022 came, he revealed his thoughts on this. Morehead has revealed the altcoin gems for 2022 in an interview with CNBC.

Morehead, in his statement on CNBC, first Terra (Luna) he emphasized. After highlighting LUNA’s network structure and low transaction fee, Morehead also talked about its stablecoin.

Algorithmic stablecoin on the Terra network TOP, In addition to being indexed to the US dollar, it is actually one step ahead of USDT and USDC, as it is completely decentralized.

LUNA, It has achieved an incredible 15,000 increase over the last 12 months, and Morehead hints that this will continue into 2022. Morehead emphasized that developers and community participants flocked to the Terra network, reminding that this is far, far behind the total value of Ethereum.

According to Morehead, LUNA has a chance to catch up with ETH soon, or very close to it. LUNA, one of the cryptocurrencies that marked 2021, is in the 9th place as of now, but has moved away from the $ 100 price record. Between LUNA and ETH currently approx. $410 billion total market value difference.

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