Announcement From Binance For These 8 Altcoins: They Are Delisting! –

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of daily trading volume, included 8 altcoin projects in its recent announcement. Here are the altcoin announcements of the stock market…

Binance options announced for XRPUSDT, BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT

According to the announcement of the exchange, Binance Options will launch XRPUSDT weekly options on March 23, 2023 at 11:00 CEST and the expiration date of these options will be March 31, 2023. XRPUSDT weekly options are European style options contracts. New XRPUSDT weekly options contracts will be listed every Thursday at 11 pm.

On the other hand, after the launch of BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT quarterly options, Binance Options will list an additional BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT quarterly options today at 11 pm, with the expiration date of these options on September 29, 2023. As with the XRPUSDT contract, BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT quarterly options are European-style options contracts. New BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT Quarterly Option contracts will be listed on the last Thursday of each quarter.

A European option is a version of an option contract that limits execution to an expiration date. In other words, if the price of the underlying security, such as a stock, moves, an investor cannot exercise the option early and buy or sell the shares. Instead, the buy or sell transaction will only occur on the option’s expiry date. Another version of the option contract is the American option, which can be exercised at any time until maturity. The names of these two versions should not be confused with geographical location, since the name only denotes the right to execute.

Analyst Announces 20 Promising Altcoin Names!

Exchange delists altcoin pairs

On the other hand, the stock market announced that it will delist the following spot trading pairs as of March 24, 2023 at 09:00 Turkey time. The couples in question are as follows:

Analyst 10 Altcoins To Enter Top 100

The Delist news does not seem to have affected the above cryptocurrencies much. According to data, Atletico De Madrid Fan Token (ATM) is changing hands with a 1 percent drop in the last 24 hours. Avalanche (AVAX) is experiencing a 5 percent increase in the last 24 hours. Kyber Network Crystal (KNC) is up 2 percent and PlayDapp (PLA) is up 0.8 percent. Wing Finance (WING) and Nano (XNO) have gained 2% in the last 24 hours.

A cryptocurrency exchange may choose to delist certain trading pairs for a variety of reasons. For example, if a trading pair has a low trading volume, it may not be profitable for the exchange to continue supporting it. Additionally, low trading volume can cause liquidity issues and increased volatility, resulting in a bad trading experience for users.

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