Announcement for 8 Altcoins from Binance: Delisting!

There is exciting news for Binance users, one of the world’s leading BTC and altcoin exchanges. The exchange announced the listing of Worldcoin (WLD) and the introduction of new spot trading pairs and options contracts bringing greater opportunity and flexibility to the trading community. Here are the details…

Binance announces altcoin listing

Binance will list Worldcoin (WLD) and open trading for two spot trading pairs, WLD/BTC and WLD/USDT, starting at 12:00 on July 24, 2023. This listing is expected to provide users with enhanced access to the native utility token Worldcoin (WLD) with the governance features of the digital identity protocol. Users can start depositing WLD tokens into their Binance accounts to prepare for trading. Withdrawals for WLD are scheduled to open at 12:00 CEST on 25 July 2023. As we have also reported, Worldcoin is a digital identity protocol that aims to support humanity in the age of artificial intelligence. WLD, the native service token of the platform, has governance features and plays a vital role in the ecosystem. In addition to spot trading pairs, Binance will add WLD as a new loanable asset with a new margin pair on Isolated Margin. This feature is expected to be available within 48 hours from 12:00 on July 24, 2023. Traders will find this addition particularly useful as it provides more options for margin trading.

There are announcements for Binance Options: Weekly contracts enter the market

Another important announcement made by Binance is that additional BNBUSDT Weekly Options will be released on July 25, 2023 at 11:00 CEST. These European-style options contracts will add more variety to the exchange’s options offerings. Thereafter, a new BNBUSDT Weekly Options contract will be listed every Thursday, providing users with regular opportunities to trade options. It is important for users to note that if the expiry date of the new listing coincides with the expiry date of an existing BNBUSDT Option contract, there will be no new BNBUSDT Weekly Options listing on Thursdays.

Pump-Dump Alert Watch Out For These Altcoins!

Binance will remove several spot trading pairs and stop trading on July 26, 2023 at 06:00 to make room for new offers and optimize its platform. Spot trading pairs affected include ACM/BUSD, ALPACA/BUSD, BAR/BUSD, LSK/BUSD, QTUM/BUSD and TFUEL/BUSD. However, users can continue to trade these assets on other available trading pairs on Binance. In addition, Binance will terminate the Trading Bot services for the above mentioned spot trading pairs on July 26, 2023 at 06:00. Users are strongly advised to update and/or cancel their Trading Bots prior to the termination of Trading Bots services to avoid potential losses.

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