Announced Next for Gold Price!

Researcher writer and strategist Haluk Özdil drew attention to a development that could have an impact on the gold price in a recent statement. We convey the details as…

Haluk Özdil drew attention to a development for the gold price

Haluk Özdil, who had predicted the levels such as 600 lira, 850 lira and 1,000 lira under gram, and also predicted the great pullback in prices, came to the fore with his new comments on the precious metal. Özdil stated that Time magazine wrote an article about gold for the first time. According to Özdil, this is a development that should be taken into account.

The expert said that he threw the dollar aside because Time magazine wrote that the dollar index was declining. He also drew attention to the fact that the US Federal Reserve (FED) could no longer suppress gold in the magazine. Stating that these things should be taken into account, Özdil thinks that the economy will be affected by these developments if the Russia-Ukraine war starts and if Europe intervenes in this situation. He states that he expects these interventions to reflect on gold.

Özdil, who thinks that gold will surpass the dollar and stand out clearly; predicts that the precious metal will skyrocket both at home and abroad. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that gram gold closed the week at 777 liras. It can be seen that ounce gold, which has withdrawn after the Fed statements that came to the agenda this week, has an effect on the gram gold price.

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