Animoca’s Metaverse Project Received Major Investment!

Web3 and blockchain gaming company Animoca Brands has raised funds from investors for its metaverse project called Mocaverse. Animoca secured $20 million in funding in a recent investment round for Mocaverse.

Major venture capitalists such as Liberty City Ventures, GameFi Ventures and Kingsway Capital participated in the financing round led by CMCC Global. Although Metaverse projects have largely lost their popularity on social media, the investment Mocaverse received attracted everyone’s attention.

Animoca wants to increase the gaming options for the enjoyment of customers who access the Web3 and metaverse project. The company aims to have a permanent audience around the Mocaverse with its NFT collection called Moca ID.

The metaverse platform in question does not yet have an altcoin unit.

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