Animated Widget Coming to Windows 11’s Start Menu

Microsoft has started testing a new Start Menu feature in Windows 11. This feature will work similar to the Widgets functionality.

US-based technology giant Microsoft announced that Windows 11Build 26212” started testing a new feature in its coded version. This feature is Start MenuIt seems to please those who use it frequently.

Windows 11’s Start Menu may be in a future version, testers report animated widgets will start hosting. Users will be able to access information such as weather or stocks through these animated widgets. The user can use new widgets as he wishes. can customize.

This is what animated widgets in Windows 11 will look like

In fact, for weather or stock information in Windows 11,Widgets” option is available. This option is added to the Taskbar. Microsoft’s new work is for users who do not want to use Widgets. There will be a new alternative.


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What we can share about the new feature prepared for Windows 11 that’s all for now. The company has not made a statement about this feature yet. In other words, from the test version of the feature to the stable version probability of not coming There is also.

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