Android or iOS? Who Drives Better?

A new study has compared Android and iOS users, revealing who drives better and safer. When the data was examined, it was seen that Android owners were much better drivers than iOS owners.

Smartphones, which have become a part of our lives with the developing technology, are becoming more common day by day. Studies show that more than 6 billion people in the world use smartphones. Of course, such devices operating systems It is also a very important issue for consumers.

The most popular operating systems in the past weeks of Android and iOS We have shared with you that the worldwide usage rates have been announced. These data revealed that there was a decrease in Android and an increase in iOS. It should be said that there are some strange studies about these operating systems that dominate the global market. A recent study is one of them.

Android users turned out to be better drivers than iOS users

based in the USA Jerry A company called the company conducted a study to discover whether Android users or iOS users are the better drivers. Examining the data obtained from more than 20,000 drivers over a 14-day period and containing millions of kilometers of driving information, the company achieved a driving score by comparing vehicle owners using Android and iOS in many categories such as acceleration, braking, and distraction.

When the results are examined, people using Android are more likely to use iOS than those using iOS. is a better driver appeared. Data; acceleration, distraction, cornering revealed that it is superior to those who use Android in such categories.

It has also been observed in company data that iPhone owners are much more likely to look at their phones while driving than others. We understand this when we see that the biggest difference is in the ‘Distraction’ category anyway.

Jerry, finally to the comments of Android users regardless of age, gender, marital status, education He added that he was superior and drove safer. In addition, it was stated that Android users are more open, humble, honest and pay less attention to matters such as luxury and social status.


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