Android 13 First Preview Released

Android, the most used operating system in the world, has approximately 2.5 billion users. The first preview version of Android 13, the new update of the most preferred operating system, has been released.

In the past months, a few details have come about the new version of Android, the operating system with the most users. Briefly, if we talk about this upcoming version; LG’s South Korean arm, Android 12 and Android 13 made an official statement for the devices that will receive the update.

With this statement, the company further clarified the statements made a while ago, Android 13 He said that he would only offer the update to 3 models. Now the new version of this operating system of Android 13 The first preview version has been released. Let’s see together.

Android 13 is named Tiramisu by Google

The developer preview of this Android version started leaking in December last year and is now live. As always Google operating system Android prioritizes privacy and security. Actually Android 13 developer If we look at the preview features; It will also fall on the updated privacy features, custom icon preparation for new upcoming themes, language controls, and security as we mentioned.


Promising 3-Year Updates, LG Announces Which Phones Will Get Android 13

In the upcoming update, users will be able to select their photos more easily with the new system photo selector feature, the MediaProvider module update. Google this feature Android 11th It plans to bring it to devices running versions and later. NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES with acceptance of applications Android operating system devices will be able to find and connect without the need for location confirmation.

of Android 13 another feature is the quick settings API option; Special system communication buttons can be quickly created just above the notification bar of smartphones with Android operating system. Another feature of the new upcoming version is the themes. Now users your android They will be able to design appropriate icons for their new themes and customize them.

When will Android 13 be released?

Another curious question after the features is when will Android 13 be released? If we take a share of Android 12, the version that was released last year, the developer preview February 2021also was out. to the market too Android 12It was launched in August of last year. Android 13 release date of the current year June or July per month decisive likely to become. Finally, a new feature that Android 13 will bring will now make debugging faster.

Here are the first images from Android 13

Android 13

Android 13

Android 13

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