Analysts Hopeful: 2022 Will Be the Year of Cryptocurrencies!

DeFi protocols posted triple-digit gains over the past year, driven by increased capital inflows, activity and interest from investors. Analysts expect this to continue and in 2022 aave, Curve Dao, Yearn Finance with Sushi Swaps They predict a bull run for them.

Analysts predict DeFi rally in 2022

Crypto analysts noted that DeFi tokens are rising in response to the increased on-chain activity and capital flow in the ecosystem. Institutional investors and major wallet traders have poured capital into Aave, Curve Dao, Sushi and Yearn Finance.

The four DeFi protocols recorded triple-digit growth last year. Crypto analyst @toptickcrypto predicts further growth in DeFi protocol prices.

Besides, in the last two weeks, Aave price has gained over 50%. The AAVE/USD pair has shown a notable rise over the past few weeks. According to analysts, a RSI break or $300 support in the short term could mean a continuation of the uptrend.

Locked total value (TVL) considered market cap has increased severalfold for Aave, Curve Dao and Sushi Swap. The growth in locked-in total value can be considered a sign of investors’ bullish outlook.

Michaël van de Poppe, a crypto analyst and YouTuber, also predicts that 2022 could be the year of DeFi tokens.

“2022 will be the year of Defi and the recent big leap has given the first signs of that. Position yourself well.”

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, Koinfinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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