Analysts Announced: Altcoin Rally May Begin Soon! Here’s Why

Bitcoin has been in a bull market almost since March 2020. It was a tremendous journey, so to speak, for the price to come from $ 4 thousand to $ 69 thousand. During this time, we witnessed sharp declines. In the last drop, Bitcoin fell to the level of 42 thousand dollars in a short time. Despite this recent drop and the uncertainty in the market, many investors think the bull season will continue. In particular, the fact that altcoins have not tested their old ath is the most supportive argument for this view.

As it is known, the bull market refers to the period when the market is in an upward trend, that is, the prices will follow an optimistic environment in the future and therefore investors will make purchases. Taking into account previous bull seasons, we assume that the period in question has major phases. Accordingly, the general narrative is that the cash entering the market during the bull season will first carry Bitcoin to the top, and then start an altcoin rally with the decreasing Bitcoin dominance.

But there is another view that has become popular lately: “Can altcoins peak before Bitcoin makes a new rally?” One of the first names to voice this opinion was analyst Burak (@1buraker).

As can be understood from the analyst sharing, he expects a “rally without Bitcoin” and thinks that Ethereum will lead this rally. But Burak is not the only person to make such a prediction.

In addition, popular analyst Paradotor (@eness_turann) shared a similar view as “plan B”. The analyst expects the BTC price to stay in a certain range and the market dominance to fall down in the coming days. According to the analyst, the altcoin rally could start much sooner than expected.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, Koinfinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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