Analyst Who Knows Bitcoin (BTC): Stay Away From These Altcoins

Peter Brandt, a 50-year-old trader, shared a tweet giving investment advice to Generation Z. As we have also reported, Peter Brandt, who correctly predicted some movements in the price of Bitcoin (BTC), especially mentioned BTC, non-fungiable tokens (NFT) and Cardano (ADA). Here are the details…

Advice to young investors from Bitcoin analyst Brandt

In one of his recent tweets, Peter Brandt gave college students various advice on how to build their careers and save money and manage their earnings. Brandt advises students to choose a university/department in an area where they can avoid debt if possible. He especially talks about the importance of choosing a field where they can get a well-paid job. In terms of investment, he draws attention to Bitcoin.

Brandt believes that Gen Z should devote most of their savings to BTC and stocks of solid companies and then hold on to them. “Keep buying and hope for cheap prices,” Brandt tweeted. Brandt also answered the question of how long he has been “on the rise” in BTC by saying “for years”. However, he states that he tries to be honest with his followers and tries not to share charts only when they show bullish signals. So, it tries to draw attention to the bearish part of the market as well.

Legendary trader Peter Brandt: NFTs and shitcoins should be avoided

Brandt, who received many comments on his statements, replied to one. Brandt said he believes more in stocks than cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin, that “cryptocurrencies are still unproven” and prefer quality stocks instead. He recommends avoiding most altcoins and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). He even refers to NFTs as “jpgs”.

Brandt uses exactly the following expressions while also criticizing Cardano in another tweet:

I am also very positive towards properties with rental income. If I have to choose between quality stocks and crypto, I prefer quality stocks. To me, crypto is still unproven. Avoid shitcoin and jpgs. Pray for a bear market so that stocks can be bought cheap.

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